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Lawnmower Logic: By Kriquette Davis

I am a lover of grass cutting. Seriously. I used to say that I was going to get a job cutting grass when I retired. Just ride, mow, listen to my tunes and relax. Perfect. I am not retired, but I do cut the grass. It usually takes me about 3.5 hours. Why do I love it so much?

1)    It is instant gratification. You can immediately see neatly cut grass.

2)    I get to listen to all my favorite music- that varies quite a bit.

3)    Last, but least, it gives me time to think without distraction. We are so distracted these days, cell phones,

computers, TV, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

There is always usually TV on in my house. I do not like it. I like quiet. In the past few months, it has made me increasingly anxious as all the political ads, debates and news are off the chain. As in crazy. I do not care what party you are affiliated with; they are all constantly swiping at each other. While all of this is going on, it leaves our country vulnerable to dangerous situations. It is truly very frightening. I am grateful for all the security and surveillance, as well as our troops. But if the people running the country are so distracted trying to destroy each other, who is monitoring that? It is very disheartening.

Last week as I was cutting grass, I was thinking about the state of politics and our country. You know what I think? Regardless of the outcome of the local, state, and national elections, there will be no winners. Just a path of destruction and division. It makes me incredibly sad. Romans 12:2 says, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” Let that sink in.

Get ya some lawnmower therapy... it certainly cannot hurt.




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