September Speak Your Mind!
We have started a new feature on our Buzz Facebook page. At the end of each month we will be seeking your comments concerning anything...
The Goldsboro/Wayne County Brain Injury Support Group Will Meet Saturday September 14th
The Goldsboro/Wayne County Brain Injury Support Group will meet Saturday September 14th from 10:00-11:30 at the Peggy Servers Senior...
Literacy Connections Fundraiser: Reading Between the Wines
Literacy Connections is dedicated to developing literacy skills for adults and their families so they may achieve success at home, at...
A New School Year: By Selena Bennett
Communities Supporting Schools is so excited to be back for the 2024-2025 school year. We have already had our “Back to School”...
Lawnmower Logic: By Kriquette Davis
I am a lover of grass cutting. Seriously. I used to say that I was going to get a job cutting grass when I retired. Just ride, mow,...
Our Habitat: By Matt Whittle
Photo Caption: Shuquale Royal & her son Jayden, 10, hammer the last nail into their new Habitat home in Mount Olive last year. If you or...