Our Habitat: By Matt Whittle
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Shuquale Royal & her son Jayden, 10, hammer the last nail into their new Habitat home in Mount Olive last year. If you or anyone you know is interested in Habitat homeownership, applications will be available starting Sept. 1 at www.habitatgoldsboro.org.
Most of the time we don’t think of late summer and fall as a time of new beginnings, but for Habitat for Humanity of Goldsboro-Wayne, it is.
Here at Habitat our mission is focused on making affordable homeownership opportunities available to families with housing needs, and once a year, from Sept. 1 to Sept. 30, we take applications from those families who want to build better futures for themselves.
But sometimes the fact that there is an application process at all is surprising to people. Sometimes people think Habitat gives homes away for free.
However, nothing could be further from the truth. While it is true that we have wonderful partners who offer very low interest loans and that we do subsidize a good portion of the total sales price, our families do pay a monthly mortgage for the homes that they have also helped build.
Of course, that mortgage is less than what they would be paying had they purchased through a traditional mortgage – if that path was available – but it is a monthly payment.
And so, the application is important as it’s just the first step in what will be a 12- to 18-month process of sweat equity, home ownership preparedness classes and financial literacy and budgeting workshops. But in the end, it’s worth it.
If you’re interested or know someone interested in Habitat homeownership, visit our website, www.habitatgoldsboro.org to learn more and to apply beginning on Sept. 1. You can also pick up applications at our office at 2719 Graves Drive, Suite 3, Goldsboro, from 9-4, Monday through Friday. If you have questions, call us at 919-736-9592.