Secured Bonds Set at $200,000 and $50,000 for Accused Drug Dealers
As the result of an investigation conducted by the ACE TEAM the following subjects were arrested in Wayne County.
Defendant: Rena Castilleja BOND: $200,000 Secured
DOB: 05/30/1978
Lisa Marie Lester BOND: $50,000 Secured
DOB: 06/11/1985
Case Officer: Brandon Foss
Assisting Officer: ACE Team, Wayne County Drug Squad
Charges: 1. Trafficking in Methamphetamine
2. Conspiracy to Traffic Methamphetamine
3. Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
On July 11th, 2016 members of the Wayne County Aggressive Criminal Enforcement Team began an investigation of the illegal sell and distribution of Methamphetamine at a local hotel in Goldsboro. During the investigation a search warrant was obtained for a room occupied by the defendants. A search of the room was conducted and over 75 grams of Crystal Methamphetamine was located. The defendants were charged with Trafficking and Conspiracy to Traffic Methamphetamine and placed under a secured bond.