The Enemy is a LIAR!!By Beverly Weeks
I don’t care how good of a person you are, how gifted, anointed, or spiritual you are. You can teach Sunday School, sing in the choir, or even be the lead pastor; the attacks will come! The enemy will haunt your mind with thoughts of fear and doubt, and convince you that things will never get better, you will always be stuck in a rut, you don’t deserve any better, you are getting just what you deserve, this is all your fault, and there is no such thing as forgiveness, healing, or restoration.
I want you to know that Satan is a liar! In the name of Jesus, you need to grab that imaginary two by four and go swinging with all the power that GOD has given you and slam that backstabbing, betraying, defaming, falsifying rascal, and all his pathetic little demons in the head! Things may look grim and have you down. Your mind may be swirling in a furious tizzy, haunted with questions, but OUR GOD has promised we WILL overcome! We don’t have to reside and take up residence in the pit of panic.
There is rest for the weary and there is hope for the faint at heart. There is a ridiculous, life-altering PEACE that can come to us as Christians when we began to pray, get in the word of GOD, call upon, and cry out the mighty name of Jesus. My friend, you can rest in the promise of knowing that GOD saw this situation coming long before you did, and He has it under control!
To everyone in Wayne County, have a great and prosperous 2023!