SPRING TO LIFE: By Clara Barnes Costner
Warm days forecast, as winter gives way to spring
Nesting birds await hatchlings, as they sing
We see all around us, blooming pear trees
Cherry trees in bloom, then rustling green leaves
As sunlight warms the earth, sleeping bulbs awake
Unable to hold them, through the ground they break
Spring showers will come, to quench the thirsty ground
Releasing sleeping wonders, that winter has kept bound
Daffodils greet us, trumpeting rebirthed, rejuvenation
Tulips standing tall, ready to handle most situations
Knowing God tends the flowers, He hasn't failed us yet
We that are his children, have no need to fret
If you don't know Christ the Savior, it’s not too late
Ask him to come into your heart, for you He waits
“Therefore take no thought saying, what shall we eat? or what shall we drink? or wherewithal shall we be clothed? But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” St. Matthew verses 31 and 33 KJV
