Make Time Count: By Sandy Brannan
I read an article recently about a celebrity who had just died. The writer shared how this actress made certain decisions after she received her diagnosis. One that caught my eye was how she had decided to spend more time with her family just in case. After I finished reading, I couldn’t get the “just in case” part out of my mind.
Hopefully we all understand, much like this actress did at the end, that life will absolutely go on even after we’re gone.
I have no idea how this woman lived her day-to-day life, but at the end of it, her priorities apparently shifted. I can imagine her looking around her multi-million-dollar home filled with a lifetime of possessions that no longer held the same appeal. The article stated she spent her final days getting rid of clutter, so it seems as though her possessions didn’t seem as important to her at the end of her life as they had during it.
The truth is the things we leave behind don’t really matter but the people do. If you’ve lost someone, you know you would trade all their stuff for one more chance to tell them how much they mean to you.
I think if we would shift our focus to include spending not only quality time but large quantities of time with those we love, we’d be surprised how little we miss the parts of our life that we thought we needed to make us happy.
