Dillard Academy

This year has been different than any other since Dillard Academy opened in 1998. The free public charter school has continued educating students through the pandemic with innovation, perseverance and grit!
In March 2020 with all public schools, Dillard Academy quickly transitioned to online instruction. Beginning in the 2020-2021 school year all Dillard Academy students received Chromebooks. The school closely tracked attendance and contacted families, conducting “outside the home” visits and wifi for students as needed throughout the school closure.
Teachers provided packets of school work and supplies at least twice per month. Dillard Academy even hand delivered gift bags to students on major holidays. When students returned to school the school had been deep cleaned, painted and retrofitted with sanitizing stations, a new no touch reception area, social distancing, handwashing and mask-wearing reminders posted.
Breakfasts and lunches from Rocky Mount K&W Cafeteria are brought to each classroom in order to limit student movement, while providing hot, delicious free meals. Class looked different too. Teachers taught both virtual and in-person students daily using webcams, Surface Pros, interactive boards, document cameras, and other 21st century technology.
Dillard Academy kindergarten and 1st grade registration was held on April 23rd. Plans for an in-person loss-reduction summer program are underway to ensure Dillard Academy continues its legacy of high student growth. As the school prepares for future programming, Dillard Academy’s principal, Carole Battle, feels that her school’s small size and highly qualified staff are agile enough to continue to believe, achieve and succeed!