Deltas, Putting Their “hearts” Into Service
Goldsboro Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. sponsored their annual “Heart Healthy Walk” at Berkeley Mall on February 16th. Over 100 walkers came out to hike around the mall in celebration of Heart Month, with Deltas making up over 35 of the walkers. Deltas provided a treat bag of healthy snacks, water, and literature with tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The trophy for the organization with the greatest number of participants went to the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, who also won last year. The individuals bringing the greatest number of participants were Shamika Howell, Rene Hall, and Scholarship Contestant Shamiya Mewborn.
Deltas also sponsored an Estate Planning Seminar at the Family Y on February 20, 2019. Around 20 people attended, mostly seniors. The Seminar was presented by Attorney Natarlin Best and Attorney Trevoria L. Jackson of Best Lawrence Law, P.A. of Rocky Mount, NC. The presentation was well received and judging from the number of questions, very worthwhile. A light lunch was provided by the sorority.
The Deltas partnered with the City of Goldsboro, The MAAT TEAM Re/Max Complete, and NU Hope Community Development to sponsor a seminar for First Time Homebuyers on March 9th at the W.A. Foster Center at 10:00 AM. The event was well attended with over 50 participants for the morning session, and 26 staying for the complete program.
If you find it in your “heart” to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded. (Maya Angelou)