Our Habitat: Letting Jesus Into Our Habitats and Hearts
Writing this time of year thoughts naturally turn to Christmas and, as they say, the real reason for the season. That, of course, is the birth of Jesus Christ.
I was honored and humbled this year to have the opportunity to share the reason for Christ’s birth with my church’s children during their monthly evening service. Now, I can’t take credit for the words – I was using a curriculum – but it was a wonderful feeling being on the small stage explaining how the greatest gift of all, God’s son, Jesus, was sent to rescue the world.
The best part, though, was when I holding the manger, explaining how Jesus was born to humble beginnings, a little girl walked up carrying Baby Jesus. Completely unscripted. Yet completely perfect. A gift shared unselfishly, to share God’s love.

Photo caption: Locklan Whittle hugs tight the Baby Jesus being shared throughout the Stoney Creek Church family this Christmas season
The Baby Jesus the little girl shared that night was part of a new, yet already special tradition at Stoney Creek Church where during the season of Advent, church families share Baby Jesus with each other, passing him along every 24 hours so that many are given the opportunity to receive Him.
We’ve already had our turn. It came on a busy day, but it still gave us reason to pause and reflect – even if only for a moment.
And so that’s what I hope for you this Christmas season and beyond. That you are able to take a break and remember that the greatest gift of all, given unselfishly and with unconditional love, was the Baby Jesus. Even if you don’t have a baby doll to share, you can still share God’s love with others – just as He shared His love with us.