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Fraternity Establishes WCC Scholarship in Member’s Honor

The Goldsboro Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity has donated $500 to assist students at Wayne Community College. The chapter donated $500 to the Foundation of Wayne Community College to be used for scholarships to cover short-term training costs, books, uniforms, and/or credential fees for students in the college’s Workforce Continuing Education Division. The chapter intends to maintain the scholarship with future contributions. The scholarship was established in honor of, and named for one of the chapter’s founding members, Chester A. Beverly, who pledged the fraternity at Texas Southern University in 1949. Kappa Alpha Psi is the second oldest existing collegiate historically black Greek letter fraternity and the first intercollegiate fraternity incorporated as a national body. It has over 125,000 members with 700 undergraduate and alumni chapters in nearly every state of the United States plus international chapters. The fraternity’s motto is “Achievement in Every Field of Human Endeavor.” The Foundation of Wayne Community College is a non-profit organization that works to broaden the base of community support for educational opportunities at the college. In addition to providing scholarships, it funds innovative campus projects and employee recognition, and offers cultural programs for the community.

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Members of the Goldsboro Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity met with Wayne Community College officials to establish the Chester A. Beverly Scholarship. Pictured are Wayne Community College Vice President Gene Smith, WCC Associate Vice President Renita Dawson, Fraternity Members Greg Batts, Chester Beverly, Dr. Rick Stovall, Ivan Daniels (chapter president), and Willie Lee, and Foundation of WCC Executive Director Adrienne Northington.

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