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From The Pig Pen: Maybe? Maybe Not?

It is time to send out a shout of greetings to you good citizens of Wayne County. It seems as if it was just last week that I was writing my last column, and in reality, a month has passed and I am trying to pick out a topic for the May issue of The Buzz Around Wayne County.

Contributing to this fine publication, if only in a small way, has and continues to be a labor of joy from my perspective. I find myself, as is the case this month, struggling with what I should say. I sometimes feel as if I am just beating that same old horse, wondering just how many more ways are left to say the same thing. I cannot, I will not ever try to tell you how you need to think and act. At best, perhaps something I have written, from time to time, will challenge each of us to stop and think a wee bit more about the possible ramifications of out utterances and our antics. If that be the case, the time and effort I put into crafting these simple words has not been in vain.

I am not an accomplished writer, just a plain simple country boy at heart, writing and sharing about the things I have experienced and witnessed. I think it safe to say, that I am living in a different culture than the one I was both born into and the one in which I was reared. Who knows exactly when this change began? Who could have possibly predicted the circumstances we are enduring in America today? Is there any one simple solution to all of this madness? Have we already experienced the worst? How much more of this insanity can we as a nation absorb and withstand?

It seems as if a goodly percentage of Americans are extremely angry. What disturbs me the most is that people really seem to enjoy being at odds with one another. There no longer seems to be a so called middle ground where people can effectively communicate their differences and hopefully find some areas of common interest. I would never suggest that anyone should budge one iota as it pertains to those thoughts, tenets, and believes basic to one’s faith and fundamentals upon which your life is based.

Is it just possible that there are times when I am wrong and the other fellow just might be right? Am I a big enough person to admit when I am wrong? Is it reasonable to assume that, in reality, I might not have all of the answers? Can we as a country continue to tread on this most slippery of slopes? Maybe, maybe not, you be the judge. As always, until we next meet, be of good cheer.

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