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Ode to Kitty Haskins Hospice Center

Dignity. Respect. Genuine hearts. You will find these as you enter the halls of this soul station on earth.

You're walking through a time of shifting as you attempt to prepare your heart and mind for the reality of letting go of your loved one. All the years past are swirling around you and the current time seems like a dream and yet you know you are here.

Moving through the hours you hear soft voices and loud ones, caring nurses and staff, visitors, family, piano music, water, birds singing in the early morning and prayers for healing and comfort and singing of old hymns. The smells of coffee, food brought by people throughout the community and clean towels, sheets and floors.

The transferring of souls happens every few hours in this place, and we must have the courage to ask our loved ones, "are you ready to meet Jesus face to face?" "Do you know the Lord?"

We all have to settle that question in our hearts sooner or later. This soul station is as real as it gets. Heaven or Hell? Have you decided yet?

Souls are still being invisibly transferred from this world to the next and those of us still here must do our best. We must all do our best, to show dignity, respect and genuine hearts of love, to all souls we come in contact with each day. We must extend grace to every soul and help them find their way. We really do need to lift each other up; God sees your heart and He offers Jesus to fill your cup.

It won't be long before our time at a soul station will draw near; so bow down on your knees, then you have God's ear.

Give all your cares and hurt to Him and ask Jesus to come in. He will redeem you and forgive all your sin; all your past He will erase. So when it's time to be transferred, you'll be ready to meet Jesus, face to face.

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