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From the Pig Pen: Life Isn't Always Fair!

It is good to be able to visit my dear friends, across Wayne County, as I jot down a few thoughts for the Buzz each month. I doubt my column will ever make much of a difference in your life, and in the way you think and act on a daily basis. But that is okay with me as I appreciate Dan allowing me to be a small part of this fine publication. At any rate, I am having a most enjoyable time with these articles, and I hope this edition finds each of you safe and well.

According to the calendar, summer will be over in just a couple of days. Several hurricanes are churning as I sit here pecking out these words. I pray that they will all go out to sea and that loss of property and human life will be spared.

Fall, on Nahunta Farm Road, means the N. C. State fair is just around the corner. We will be exhibiting six pigs at the fair this year. My father, the late Oland F. Peele, first showed three little pigs (ha! Ha!) at this annual event in 1931. We have only missed carrying our pigs to the fair just once in the past 86 years.

It is not so much about the premiums, or the banners, ribbons, and the trophies we have won, over this span of time, as it is the relationships which have been formed and the experiences encountered. We have met some wonderful friends thru 4-H Club Work, FFA, and various other organizations and activities.

When families engage in livestock projects, it is hardly ever an issue based solely on economics. When parents, family members, or mentors support such activities, they are investing in the future of those kids. No amount of money can accurately be measured against the life changes which evolve as the years come and go. Our parents made many adjustments and sacrifices, in their lives, in order that my brother, Anthony, and I were afforded opportunities that many never enjoyed.

I speak not of the things which money can buy; but, rather, I am referring to an investment of one’s time, energy, talent, and unconditional love. We were privy to a lifestyle, even in today’s affluent society, most kids, unfortunately, will never be associated with and reap the benefits of.

As I eagerly await this year’s fair, I fully understand that life is not always equitable and “fair”. As you “fair-minded” citizens of Wayne County go about your daily tasks, as well as me, we would all probably do well to exercise less scrutiny and judgement in our daily encounters with others. I, personally, upon self-examination, have come to the realization, that, more often than not, many people are doing remarkably well if one takes into consideration the obstacles they have faced. Whether “fair” or not, most didn’t have the same opportunities I received.

Is life always “fair”? Even if it is not, you certainly can be! Until we next meet, as always, be of good cheer.

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