Come Join Us at Field Day June 24th and 25th!
Amateur Radio is a service licensed by the FCC to enhance & support public and emergency services. The Wayne County Amateur Radio Association (WCARA) was established in Wayne County in 1948 by a handful of likeminded individuals to promote and expand amateur radio.
Each year tornadoes, fires, storms, and other events leave communities “in the dark.” Amateur radio operators, called “hams,” are often the first to provide rescuers with critical information during emergencies – this year alone the news reported radio operators providing critical emergency communications in towns across America – the California wildfires, winter storms, tornadoes and other catastrophic events. The tragic events of the Boston Marathon is the most recent example when Amateur Radio played a critical role in the emergency response coordination
The WCARA meets socially every Saturday morning for breakfast and holds monthly meetings. A mix of public service, fun and friendship, they participate in community activities—the Boy Scout Jamboree on the Air, the Boy Scout Merit Badge College, Goldsboro MS Walk, and occasionally at the Mt Olive Pickle Festival’s Tour de Pickle bike-a-thon.
The club also sponsors events—including trips to the Battleship NC, “fox hunts,” and participate in the nationwide Annual Field Day Exercise. Using only emergency power supplies, ham operators construct emergency stations in parks, shopping malls, and schools around the country. "When All Else Fails, Ham Radio Works.” Over 35,000 amateur radio operators across the country participated last year.
The WCARA is hosting its annual “Field Day” on June 24-25 at Greenwood Middle School, 3209 E Ash Street. The public is invited to come out and see a demo of their emergency capabilities.
For more information about WCARA or earning an operator’s license visit or email .