Tired? I’m Plumb Wore Out!

It’s one of those weeks where I find myself surrounded by the not so elegant scents and sights of two forever-growing mounds of laundry. One is dirty and the other is just plain funky. Dirty means we can possibly wear it one more time. Funky means you better grab a gas mask and run just as fast as you can while loading it into the washer!
Then there’s the kids, school and church activities, an endless list of chores, emails, work, dirty dishes, and unmopped floors. Does anybody feel this momma's pain? We’ve all been there, tired, over committed, stressed, crazy schedules, which leave us feeling drained and pulled in a million directions.
I know all too well what it’s like to feel the sting of total emotional and spiritual exhaustion as well. Some of you can relate. You find yourself begging and pleading with a child that has gone prodigal, you weep because you can’t seem to make ends meet with a strained family budget, or maybe you are like so many reading this and you find yourself in the battle of your life as you stand for your marriage. He or she walked out on you. Your mind is being taunted with questions, the what if’s, why’s, fear, doubt and worry. Your heart tells you no one understands and the enemy tries to convince you that God doesn’t hear your prayers, that you are unseen and insignificant.
God is VERY interested in the topic of rest. To Him, rest is not just wasted time, time when we could be doing something useful and productive. Rest, in our Father’s eyes has value, worth and purpose. We see in the Word of God that even Jesus rested. He often withdrew from people, ministry, and His daily routine in order to spend time alone with God.
You see, Jesus understood that the need was endless. You may be sensing that same very thing as well. My children need me, my students need me, my ailing parents need me, my friends need me, my husband needs me, work is calling my name… all the while our God is calling us to seek Him first, get our priorities back in line, and find sweet rest in Him.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. ~Matthew 11:28
Publisher Note:
Beverly Weeks is an energetic, Jesus loving- “girl-next-door”. Her inspiring, transparent messages are seasoned with a little laughter, candid real life struggles, and filled with Biblical truths. Often times people who hear her speak say the same thing, “she’s just so real.” An evangelist at heart, she has a love for her audience that is fully evident both on and off stage.
Beverly is trained in Biblical Counseling, an ordained minister with the Acts2 Network, & Executive Director of Wayne Pregnancy Care Center. She’s been married for over 20 years to her best friend Rick, who had no idea what he was getting into when he asked her to marry him, bless his heart! They reside in Goldsboro, N.C. along with their two children Tyler & Macy.
Hey Wait a second, who wrote this? I’m just a simple southern girl, TEE-TOTALLY in love with my Jesus! I love chocolate, peanut butter with bananas, Alfredo sauce, shopping, and consignment shops. Did I say I LOVE chocolate!
To learn more about Beverly, visit: www.intentionallyyours.org