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Buzz Bits: By Dan Wroblewski, Owner & Publisher

It’s been a while since I’ve written a “Buzz Bit’s” column of my random thoughts but with the New Year upon us I figured it was a good time to reflect on the past and future.

  • It was sad to see Mayor Al King retire last year but I do believe Goldsboro is in good hands with its new Mayor, Chuck Allen.

  • There were many positive projects that were either started or completed last year. DGDC’s Streetscape Project was completed towards the end of 2015. It looks to be a successful addition to move Goldsboro and Wayne County into the future. Ground breaking for the new Ag/Convention Center, new soccer fields in conjunction with SJAB, the building of the new W.A. Foster Recreation Center, and the renovation of Union Station to be a reality in the future, just to name a few are all great and positive programs.

  • Congratulations goes out to Dennis Hill, named the new editor of the News-Argus, replacing Renee Carey late last year.

  • As I type this column at the end of January with sleet falling, it reminds me that Spring is less than 2 months away! This means we are getting ready to start Festival season with The Daffodil Festival in Fremont on April 2nd-3rd. Pig in the Park April 9th and the Pickle Festival, April 23rd.

  • It seems that there are many great things going on at the Goldsboro Police Department and the Wayne County Sheriff’s Department. Wayne County is lucky to have such great people protecting us!

  • The new year brings continued fundraising for nonprofits and other organizations. We here at the Buzz are obviously big supporters of what many of these great organizations do to help the community. There are too many to name here but just remember they all need your donations though out the year. With that said, a new thrift store opened in October that I think is worth recognition. InJoy Thrift store, located at 1711 and 1725 E. Ash St is already making a big impact on the community. It’s an upscale Christian based thrift store that gives the money it makes back to local non-profits chosen by their Board of Directors and local Business leaders. Give it a try if you haven’t already been there!

  • It really is amazing how fast time flies! February makes our 4-year anniversary of starting Media Publishing Company, which publishes The Buzz Around Wayne County and other publications. May 1st will be the 4th birthday for “The Buzz!” Many thanks go out to our volunteer contributors and columnists over the years. A special thanks to our many advertisers who have believed in us and supported us. We are the only monthly publication that mails out 10,000 copies each month with another 5,000 going to rack locations around the county. We are always looking for people who want to share their stories of good news with The Buzz and the people of Wayne County. If you are interested in doing so, please contact me at

  • I could go on and on but I wouldn’t have enough room for all of my thoughts. Finally, 2016 is going to be a year of excitement, uncertainty and change. This isn’t to scare anyone but at this point in our great country’s history, in my opinion the choices we make this year will effect generations for years to come. With threats and unstable conditions coming from our Southern border, to terror groups wanting to change our way of life, this year’s Presidential election is probably one of the most important in at least the last 100 years. All I ask is that before you pull that lever in November please be certain that the person you vote for is who you think will best serve and protect your Family as our children and grandchildren deserve the best for their future!


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