Mike West Now Interim Chief of Police in Goldsboro

Major Mike West has recently been appointed to the position of Interim Chief of Police of Goldsboro. Mike has more than 23 years of Law Enforcement experience working with the Goldsboro Police Department. Chief West is a graduate of Eastern Wayne High School and the BLET: Basic Law Enforcement Training program at Wayne Community College. In addition, Chief West has attended numerous training and certification programs, most notably AOMP: Administrative Officers Management Program, which provides 12 weeks of Management and Leadership Education for Law Enforcement Professionals. Interim Chief West began his career with the City of Goldsboro as a Patrol Officer in 1992, and was later promoted to Sergeant in 1999, then to Captain in 2006, and Major in 2010.
Good luck to Chief West and congratulations on your new position in serving the people of Goldsboro!