Letters of Literacy: Meet Joshua
Life moves quickly, and we don’t often realize that small brushes with others have lasting impact. Recently we had a special visit with Joshua, the first WIOA intern placed at Literacy Connections to gain work experience and work on his GED. Joshua’s childhood had many hardships with frequent moves, surrounded by abuse and addiction in his home. School was put to the side as survival came to the forefront. When we met Joshua, he was in a stable situation and was working on his educational and career goals.
Listening to Joshua share his work experience at Literacy Connections and its impact on future successes, we had to share it with you in his own words.
“Literacy Connections of Wayne County is where I attribute the start of much of my personal growth. From the people that work there to the atmosphere of learning that's encouraged there, it is one of the most comforting and inspiring places I have ever had the honor of being a part of. With the skills I gathered through this program I've been able to take on experiences that I would have felt anxious to engage in without.”

Steadily, Joshua conquered his goals, taking advantage of opportunities and building relationships with mentors along the way. We are incredibly proud that he obtained his GED, his Associate degree, and his Bachelor degree. He is now working on his Master degree while working and advising in his field. To read the full story, please visit Literacy Connection’s website at www.literacyconnectionsofwaynecounty.org .