Four Times as Long!
When I decided to accept a job working with Simmons Early Intervention Therapy, I really had no idea how important early childhood development was. I thought I knew; but I did not. I had listened to experts talk about the importance of quality preschool, early literacy, and positive adults in a child’s life. I had even taken the “proper” steps in raising my own children. But many of us do not truly understand how important the first 5 years of a person’s life are.

I came across a quote recently that really hit home. "When intervention is delayed, it takes four times as long to intervene in fourth grade as it does in late kindergarten because of brain development and…the increase in content for students to learn as they grow older,” from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Four times as long!
To me, that is staggering. As adults, parents, and citizens, we should help each child establish a firm foundation so they can live their best lives. Because of the rapid development of a child’s brain, we need to make sure that systems are in place to help babies learn and grow. Early Intervention Developmental Therapy is just one way to do that. If a child needs a little help, let’s give it to them. Let us all give children what they need to thrive and live up to their fullest potential. It does not start in 4th grade, or even 3rd; it starts at birth.
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