Our Habitat, Thankful for a Marvelous Man: Bill Edgerton
Several weeks ago Goldsboro and Wayne County said goodbye to Bill Edgerton, one of the finest men that most of us have ever known.
My introduction to Mr. Bill came when I worked for the Goldsboro News-Argus. I don’t remember if I was writing a story or if I was simply introduced to him one day. But I do remember my editor, Dennis Hill, explaining that Mr. Bill was known for two things. The first was carrying business cards that simply said “Volunteer.” The second was that whenever he or Mrs. Jan were asked how they were doing, they always replied, “Marvelous.”
Those details stuck with me, and nearly 10 years later I was asked to become the new executive director of Habitat for Humanity of Goldsboro-Wayne.
By that time, Mr. Bill and Mrs. Jan had turned the bulk of their attention to the Optimist Club and the ramp ministry at First Baptist Church in Goldsboro, but as our Habitat grandparents, they were still around and always supportive.
Today I am thankful to be building on the foundation of strength, stability and love that they laid 20 years ago.
The best part, though, it’s a foundation that any of us can build on. You see, according to the Rev. Glen Phillips of First Baptist, Mr. Bill often told him that his God-given purpose in life was to help others. And so he set about doing so across Wayne County, setting in place a foundation that we can all strive to build on, and if we do, just maybe, together, we can make this habitat a bit more marvelous.
