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From the Pigpen Let Freedom Ring By Gregory Peele


I would like to extend the warmest of greetings to you, the good citizens of Wayne County. Considering the weather we are now experiencing as I pen this article, warm greetings are about the only kind I can send!

I trust that each of you loyal followers of The Buzz either have, or are in the process of celebrating a memorable Fourth of July. I will be in Louisville, Kentucky on the 4th, exhibiting a Yorkshire Boar at the national summer show and sale. You might be surprised to know that my little seven-month old pig weighs nearly four hundred pounds. Just like me, he hasn’t missed a lot of meals.

Enjoying a successful holiday isn’t contingent upon lengthy trips or extravagant plans. It certainly has nothing to do with how much money is spent. It very likely may include a cookout, some homemade ice cream, a fully ripe watermelon, lots of sweet tea, lemonade, and most probably a goodly number of your favorite beverages that I will leave unnamed. If I were at home, on Nahunta Farm Road, I would expect to see the Stars and Stripes proudly unfurled, and would anticipate a wonderful display of fireworks in our neighborhood.

We don’t live in a perfect society. Our country, as great as it is, has a multitude of issues to deal with on a daily basis. Today, as I sit here pecking out these humble lines, my heart aches for the nine whom were recently and needlessly slain in Charleston, South Carolina. Sometimes, or at least to me it seems, the more things change, the more things remain the same. Can violence or bloodshed ever prove a viable solution? I think not in a supposedly civilized nation.

Countless hundreds of thousands of Americans sacrificed their life and spilled their blood in order that we might not only know freedom, but that we might live it on a daily basis. The narrowed minded, self-serving, cowardly acts of violence of just a few insult our brave fore- fathers, and the tremendous price they gladly paid that our nation might become the envy of all who seek freedom across the globe.

Yes, as a nation we are far from perfect. It can safely be said, that without regard to how far we have come as the leaders of the free world, from my perspective, an equal portion of work remains unfinished. If this country is to remain strong, each of us must be willing to shoulder a portion of the load. With great freedom comes great responsibility.

As you bask in the sun and enjoy the Fourth of July, think not only of what brought us to this point, but of the journey which lies ahead. I sincerely hope that each of you find happiness, peace, and joy this summer. Until we next meet, be of good cheer.

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