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Take the Time: By Sandy Brannan

For years, I took our golden retriever for walks. He liked to stop and sniff like all dogs do, but he also enjoyed spending time with everyone we passed. He made everyone feel special by stopping, flashing his doggy smile, and wagging his tail.

Obviously, we can’t act like my dog used to, but we can learn something from the way he saw others and how he treated them.

I walked our dog for almost 16 years. He was blessed with a long life and shared every day with those he loved. For him, that included everyone.

I can’t remember anyone who didn’t respond to his loving ways. Many stopped to pet him while talking to him in a doggy voice. All smiled as they walked by.

I wonder what would happen if we were more like him?

With a smile, we might bring a bit of joy to someone who might be feeling down.

With a kind word, we might make someone’s day better.

With a listening ear, we might make someone feel valued.

Our dog saw everyone as a friend. It never occurred to him anyone would see him as anything other than the good boy he was.

I wonder if that was because we told him every day that he was a good boy.

Could one smile, one kind word, one listening ear start something? I believe it’s worth a try. After all, who doesn’t feel better after giving away a little kindness?


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