True Gifts Are Worth the Cost, by Jessica Daly
A young woman named Mary was given a task by God thousands of years ago. She accepted it for she loved and trusted Him. The cost of being the mother of Jesus was high. Mary lost much in order for the kingdom to gain a Savior. She lost her dignity; her reputation, her friends, possibly family, and nearly the man she was to marry all for the sake of obedience to her God.
In our nativity stories today we create a beautiful scene when in all reality it was harsh and unkind. Mary, in labor and about to deliver, had no place to even lie down much less a sterile hospital delivery room as I had when I gave birth to my daughter. I also picture her wondering how on earth Joseph will assist her in delivering a baby when in those days men did not do such things. And in the end we all know that poor Mary ended up lying in dirty hay giving birth to the King of the Jews with not even a baby blanket at her disposal.
What I do know as a mother is that when she saw the face of baby Jesus and their eyes met for the first time, nothing which had taken place before mattered any longer. The gift that she held was worth the cost she had paid for not only did she hold her son but she held her Savior.
In the midst of what God calls us to do we must remember that He will never lead us where He will not accompany us. He never left Mary’s side. He provided for her each step of the way. No, as in our situations, it may not be the plan we envisioned but it always works out for our good and for His glory. So, yes a true gift from the Lord is always worth the cost.
Publisher Note: Jessica Daly is a native of Wayne County and currently resides in the Lynchburg, Va. She is a graduate of Eastern Wayne High School and East Carolina University where she has earned a BS in elementary education as well as her Master’s Degree in Library Science. Jessica is married to Brian Daly, a native of Wayne County for 14 years and they share a daughter, Taylor who is 11 years old. Jessica began My Daly Outreach Ministries, a ministry dedicated to caregivers, in January 2011. The ministry consists of an online website,, a published book entitled “Brian’s Update” and inspirational speaking across the country bringing awareness to forgotten caregivers. Jessica is now a Research Librarian at Liberty University