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Buzz Bits By Dan Wroblewski, Owner/Publisher

  • The Christmas season is always a great time for others and myself at The Buzz, as we like to help and support as many organizations as possible. There are many great organizations and churches that each year reach out to support the needy in Wayne County. We have once again joined forces with Toys for Toys to help provide toys for some of the children in Wayne County. If you haven’t already done so, please read the article on the front page to find out how you can help!

  • For those of you familiar with Facebook, you understand that as a business or organization, that the more “Likes” you have that it means the more noticed and used your Facebook page is. Not to brag but we’ve only had our Facebook page for a little over a year and a half and have already reached 4,100 “Likes!” Yes, 4,100 “Likes!” Other similar businesses in the area have been here for over 100 years, on Facebook much longer than us and only have around 4,800 “Likes.” I guess what I’m really trying to say is thanks to everyone in the community who continue to enjoy our Buzz in print, online and our Facebook page. We really are the “News You Want to Read!”

  • We are getting ready to start a new program to recognize people going the extra mile in the community. It’s called the “Busy Bee” award and will given when we feel someone whether a Professional or just your “average Joe” is going out of his or her way to help and promote the people of Wayne County. Our first winner has already been chosen and will be announced next month. If you feel you know of someone deserving of the award please email me at so that we might consider your nomination for the award.

  • Finally, we here at The Buzz hope you and your family have a wonderful Holiday season. And by the way, no matter who says what, It’s still “Merry Christmas!”

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