FAMILIAR PLACE by Clara Barnes Coster, Goldsboro, NC
Nervous and unsure, she tries to pull herself together. Will her head and heart ever agree? Her thoughts are scattered however she knows she is not appreciate here. Her spirit needs to be lifted; her self-esteem needs to be restored. But why does she doubt what she feels about this place called home, where one should feel safe and most of all loved? That is it. She has been here too long.
Taking such a dimly lit path makes her feel insecure yet she yearns for peace and clarity. What is ahead? What if she errs: Where will she go? Should she turn back? Her heart pounding and her vision blurred by tears, she leaves, trusting God to replace doubt and fear with faith and courage because she cannot do this alone.
She traveled through the night and as morning breaks, the sunlight welcomes her. It is as if God spoke, “Rise sun, someone needs to feel the warmth and light I created you to provide”. Although she is in an unfamiliar place, it is a safe place. Her heart hurts but now her head and her heart agree. She did the right thing.
Yea mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted up his heel against me. Psalms 41:9 KJV