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Wayne County News Briefs for June 13, 2014

Economic Development

The Wayne County Board of Commissioners passed a resolution Wednesday that will help the county, plus various municipalities within the county, move forward with economic development projects. As part of the state's Eastern Region (NCER), Wayne County is eligible to apply for loans from NCER's trust fund if the money is used for approved economic development projects. The funds were made available for loan at an extremely low interest rate to any of the 13 counties comprising the Eastern Region. Earlier this year, Wayne County applied for its share of the money and let local municipalities know the funds were available (to be loaned) for economic development purposes. The towns of Goldsboro, Pikeville, Fremont, Eureka and Mount Olive submitted proposals and asked to borrow varying amounts of the money for their respective projects. The project(s) for the City of Goldsboro were not included initially because there wasn't enough money to fund all the proposals submitted and some of the smaller towns were in greater need. However, some of the counties in the Eastern Region did not request their allocation of the money, so their funds became available to the remaining counties. Wayne County was able to borrow additional money, and thus was able to fund more projects. The City of Goldsboro's request for its projects is now being considered. Earlier this week the Board of Commissioners became aware of additional funds to borrow from NCER as one county returned its funds. The Board agreed Wednesday to borrow these funds as well for needed economic development projects within the county. Wednesday's resolution said that Wayne County has now applied to the North Carolina’s Eastern Region Development Commission for a Cross-Allocation Loan from said trust funds in the amount of $330,076.92, for the purpose of re-lending to various municipalities located within Wayne County or use by Wayne County for assistance with economic development and infrastructure projects within the scope of N.C.G.S. §158-37 and N.C.G.S. §158-7.1. Wayne County has now applied for three loans from the NCER for economic development projects. The first loan was for $576,923.08, the second loan was for $2,162,192.25, and Wednesday's loan was for $330,076.92. The grand total: $3,069,192.10 going toward important projects in Wayne County. Board of Commissioners to meet on Tuesday, June 17 Briefing begins at 8 am, followed by the 9 am meeting 4th Floor Wayne County Courthouse (Commissioner's Meeting Room) Items on Tuesday's agenda include the following: Motion to Adopt Budget Ordinance for fiscal year 2014-2015 for the County of Wayne, North Carolina. The Wayne County board of Commissioners will consider voting/approving the proposed budget for 2014-2015. The proposed budget ordinance has been amended to reflect the budget cuts recommended in the work session on June 3rd. Motion to approve the recommendation for an architectural firm for Wayne County Agriculture Center and Authorize the Wayne County Agriculture Committee Chairman and County Manager to Negotiate a Contract. On June 5, 2014 the Facilities Subcommittee of the Wayne County Agriculture Committee met to hear requests for qualifications from five architectural firms. The members of the Facilities Subcommittee present were Wayne County Agriculture Committee Chairman William H. Pate, Julian Aycock, Kevin Johnson, Eddie Pitzer, Greg Shackleford and G.Kent Yelverton. Several County Commissioners were also in attendance. The Facilities Subcommittee heard requests for qualifications from the following architectural firms: Oakley Collier Architects MHAworks HH Architecture BMH Architecture Hobbs Architecture Wayne County Agriculture Committee Chairman William H. Pate will have a recommendation for an architectural firm for the Wayne County Agriculture Center. The Board of Commissioners will be asked to approve the recommendation for an architectural firm for the Wayne County Agriculture Center and authorize the Wayne County Agriculture Committee Chairman and County Manager to negotiate a contract. Motion to approve Inmate Health Care Contract with Southern Health Partners, Inc. The staff recommends that the Board of Commissioners approve the contract with Southern Health Partners for inmate health care services in order to decrease Wayne County's inmate medical costs. The contract with Southern Health Parnters should save the County approximately $35,000 in health care and medication costs per year, while providing an additional 11 hours a day of nursing care to inmates. The cost of the contract for the first year will be $272,400.00 with a 2% increase the second year and an additional 2% for the third year. Southern Health Partners has been working in North Carolina jails for more than 13 years and several other states as well. Currently they are contracted to manage medical care for inmates in more than 200 County Detention and correctional facilities in 13 states. They work in over 50 counties in North Carolina. Public Hearings Proposed Amendment to the wayne County Zoning Ordinance to Allow Communications Tower as a Special Use in the light Industry Zone. Request to Rezone 3337 US Highway 13 South, Goldsboro, NC from Residential Agriculture 20 and Village District to Community Shopping Request to rezone 5413 US Highway 117 North, Pikeville, NC from Residential Agriculture 20 to Community Shopping The Wayne County Board of Commissioner meetings are streamed live via the Internet on the county's website ( and are aired live on WGBR radio. Thunder and Lightning! 6/16/2014 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Ash Street, Goldsboro Join the children's department at the 2014 Summer Reading Program Fizz! Boom! Read! for a summer of wild science fun! Explore the many facets of science through hands-on experiments, story times, crafts, and fun-filled activities! During week one, we will be exploring the mystery of thunder and lightening. Age-appropriate sessions are offered for children ages 3-12 on the following schedule: - 3-5 year olds: Mondays, 9:00-9:45 am - 6-8 year olds: Mondays, 10:00-10:45 am - All Ages: Mondays, 11:00-11:45 am - 9-12 year olds: Tuesdays, 11:00-11:45 am Please call the children's department at 919-735-1824 ext. 2 to register for Fizz! Boom! Read! Hands on Science Experiments, Part 1 6/19/2014 from 10 am to 11 am Steele Memorial Library Children ages 5-12 are invited to join the Steele Memorial Library's 2014 Summer Reading Program Fizz! Boom! Read! for a summer of wild science fun! Explore the many facets of science through hands-on experiments, story times, crafts, and fun-filled activities! During week one, we will complete a series of hands-on science experiments. Steele Memorial Library Phone: 919-705-1891 Website: Sci-Fi Movie Fridays: Total Recall (PG-13) 6/20/2014 3 pm to 5 pm Ash Street, Goldsboro A factory worker, Douglas Quaid, begins to suspect that he is a spy after visiting Rekall - a company that provides its clients with implanted fake memories of a life they would have liked to have led - goes wrong and he finds himself on the run. Natasha Francois Phone: 919-735-1824 ext. 3 Email: Website: No Committee Correction: In a previous edition, we should have said that a group was formed to hire a new county manager, instead of a committee. In addition the meetings can be viewed later on WGTV (Channel 10) beginning at 8 pm every Tuesday and Thursday. The meetings are also available on Wayne County's YouTube Channel.

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