PERFECT LOVE By Clara Barnes Costner
We all want to be loved
For this, every heart yearns
Love that is not fickle
Doesn’t have to be earned
When we are rooted, grounded in Christ
We see in Him what true love entails
Starts with God, our heavenly Father
He is perfect, He is love, He never fails
Every heart has a rhythm
Not perfect, but helps stay alive
Veins carry in them the energy,
Enabling us to thrive
Shouldn’t matter if we are different
The style, or color of one’s hair,
The place of one’s ancestry
Or the clothes that one wears
We are not perfect beings
However, it is always nice
When we deny this thing called flesh
See everyone through the eyes of Christ
“Love must be completely sincere.
Hate what is evil, hold on to what
is good.” Romans 12:9 GNB
