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Happy Independence Day Wayne County! By Mary Wroblewski

Amidst cookouts and pool parties, beach visits, and fireworks displays let us not forget that on July 4th we celebrate our country’s Independence, and what freedom means to each and every one of us.

On this day we celebrate our rich history of diversity. We celebrate our blend of cultures and customs that makes us the most unique country in the world. We celebrate that we are all much more alike than we are different. And, we pray, that our democracy will remain strong in the face of those that would try to dismantle all that makes us “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”.

So, while celebrating a lovely summer holiday with your family, keep in mind how fragile this freedom of ours is and take a moment to give thanks for all your blessings and ask God to continue to bless The United States of America.

Happy Independence Day Wayne County!


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