Find Balance By Mary Wroblewski
May in Wayne County is one of the most beautiful months of the year. It is a time for gathering outdoors as pollen counts begin to level off and the “yellow cloud” has dispersed. The temperatures are comfortable for many hours throughout the day and we can enjoy our time puttering in the yard, sipping tea on the porch, or taking a walk. The drab hues of winter have been replaced by varying shades of green among our trees, shrubs and grasses as well as the color explosion from everything in the county that flowers.
May can also be very busy, as the traditional school calendar draws to a close and life is filled with students preparing for finals, school sports teams finishing up for the season, and end of school year events. During these busy times all of our regular life continues; work, worship, trips to the grocery store, daily household chores, doctor appointments, and the list goes on and on and on… Don’t allow yourself to get entangled by the “to do’s” and relish that fact that you are here in this place, free to be out and about as you wish, celebrating life with each moment of the everyday, the busy and the unusual, the happiness along with the sadness; because life is fleeting.
Children grow up and leave home, we age and lose strength and mobility, and, let us not forget, that it was not so long ago, that we could not freely do any of the usual and ordinary things that fill our days. My take away is… find balance, do what’s important. Turn off your TV’s and devises. Make your FAITH, FAMILY and COUNTRY the priority.
Remember on May 12th we honor ALL mothers on Mother’s Day, and on May 27th we honor those who gave their ALL to our country on Memorial Day.
And finally, don’t forget to carve out time to enjoy the stunning beauty of the county we live in and share it with the people you love.
