Not Very Different
Proverbs 19:17 “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.”
This past week, our family had the privilege of working along side a ministry called Straight Street. This group organizes meals for the homeless of downtown Orlando three nights a week in the parking lot of a church. Benches are set up for the homeless to sit and be served by those assisting Straight Street. They are given a meal and a beverage along with encouragement and prayer.
This past Tuesday night was our family’s first night taking part in this event and to be honest, we were excited. For a long time we have followed this ministry and prayed for their efforts, so to be present and participating was surreal. Not long after arriving, Taylor was invited to work on the serving line. She was thrilled! Meanwhile, Brian and I were on a serving team handing plates of food to the people.
What I noticed was that the group of individuals I was serving was all very different but at the same time the same. Let me explain. They were young and old, multiple races, and women and men, yet each one in line needed a meal.
The amazing thing is that our family is who received the true blessing for we know how easily we could have been in these people’s shoes. When sickness strikes a family, it can leave them penniless and even homeless. We understand that could have been us. By the grace and provision of God Himself, our family’s needs continue to be met. How can we then continue to be blessed so richly by our Savior and not extend a hand to brothers and sisters who are not as fortunate?
Taylor asked me later that same night why all those people were homeless and why they didn’t go get a job. We had a really honest conversation about life choices and how God gives us a free will. God never leaves us but many times the situations we find ourselves in are due to decisions we made without the Lord’s council through prayer. We did discuss sickness, depression, addiction, and other things that may have contributed to why these people, who God loves and died for too, are living on the streets.
I pray that you will find a place to serve others, too. God called us to help one another. Remember, He never calls us to do something that won’t in the end give us peace and joy. Begin praying today for God to show you how He wants to use you in amazing ways, but get ready… because He will!

Publisher Note: Jessica Daly is a native of Wayne County and currently resides in the Orlando, Florida area where she is a librarian for Florida Technical College. She is a graduate of Eastern Wayne High School and East Carolina University where she has earned a BS in elementary education as well as her Master’s Degree in Library Science. Jessica is married to Brian Daly, a native of Wayne County for 16 years and they share a daughter, Taylor who is 12 years old. Jessica began My Daly Outreach Ministries, a ministry dedicated to caregivers, in January 2011. The ministry consists of an online website,, a published book entitled “Brian’s Update” and inspirational speaking across the country bringing awareness to forgotten caregivers