American Legion Riders, Giving Back to the Community
The American Legion Riders of Post 11, Goldsboro is an active motorcycle group that does more than just go on weekend motorcycle riding trips. The Legion Riders pride themselves in their civic obligations. The Riders take part in many activities through Wayne County from standing in flag lines for veteran activities like the Memorial Day ceremonies or for funerals of veterans who have passed away. They also hold fund raising events where their proceeds go to help the American Legion Post 11 of Goldsboro/Dudley, the American Legion Legacy Scholarship fund, and the Wounded Warrior Battalion at Camp Lejeune.
Currently, the Riders are raffling off a custom Harley Davidson motorcycle. They will be giving the motorcycle away at the Wayne County Fair this October. Anyone interested in tickets can call 919-394-8949 or 919-273-7249.
October will also start their fall Turkey Shoots. These shoots are open to the public and will be held every Friday night from October through December. Shoots start at 7p.m. and they provide a shot-gun and ammo. They also sponsor poker runs twice a year as part of our fund raising activities.
Anyone interested in joining the American Legion Riders can contact the numbers listed above.
The American Legion Riders, Still Serving – Still Riding!