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From the Pig Pen

The Future is Now

By Gregory Peele

Hello again, I sincerely hope that you are experiencing an enjoyable summer. Since we last met, I traveled to Louisville, Kentucky, to attend a national swine show and sale. I was afforded the privilege to be in the midst of two of the things I am most passionate about; that being pretty pigs and talented young people. As beautiful as were the animals I examined, they paled, somewhat, in comparison to the hundreds of 4-H Club and FFA members who were exhibiting and caring for these animals.

As youngsters, my brother, Anthony, and I were provided similar opportunities. Our parents, extended family, neighbors, 4-H Club leaders, FFA advisors, cooperative extension agents, and various mentors, too numerous to list, gave of their time, talent, energy, wisdom, and financial support, assuring that we might progress. Their investment, not a small one I might add, was in the future of Wayne County.

Have you ever witnessed a time when the youth of America were more desperately crying out for attention? Amid our busy and hectic lifestyles, we must find the time which these children are seeking. Many of their antics and trends are merely a ploy to be noticed, and to be accepted by their peers. Most of these kids are great kids. They just need some attention and encouragement. Where would we be today, if others had not given of themselves in order to see that, as developing youth, our needs were met?

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As I end this brief message, please know that the future is now. It isn’t next week, or a month from now. Our children, whether good or bad, are the future of Wayne County. I implore upon you, to be a part of that future. No cost is too great. I bid you a pleasant farewell until we next meet, and as always, be of good cheer

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