November's Speak Your Mind!
Speak Your Mind!
We have started a new feature on our Buzz Facebook page. From Goldsboro to Mt Olive, to Pikeville to LaGrange, to Princeton, please let us know anything that's on your mind good or bad. Please keep your comments civil and mention no names. It can be anything such as something you wish was better, something or someone bugging you, something your public officials could be doing better, something you love about Wayne County or Goldsboro or just anything!! Or you can email to to keep your response more private.
Here are the top comments for November’s Wayne County, Speak Your Mind!
I want to say to the person who hit my husband's truck in the Mitchell eye car parking lot the other day, that I don't wish bad on anyone but firm believer you will get what's due you.
I think the guy who sends out all the videos about the schools should be banned and shut down. He thinks he's a news channel when all he does is spread lies and try to ruin people's careers without having all the facts to a story.Â
For a lot of people traveling on Hood Swamp and North Beston, there seems to be no speed limit!!!!
Plan on attending Wayne County’s largest Christmas Bazaar on November 23 from 10a.m. to 4p.m at the Maxwell Center. Free admission for all!
With mortgage rates still so high and home prices that have skyrocketed, I don’t see how or why anyone would want to buy a house right now!
I’m not sure about anyone else, but we went to Walmart the other day and spent $200 on grocery items that cost about $130 four years ago! Those prices will never go down again. Never! Remember who did this to us when you vote November 5th!
It’s a big peeve of mine when people start slowing down and then turn their turn signal on at the last minute, like it’s going to do something at that point!Â
