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Let Your Light Shine in 2023

It is a New Year and it is a NEW DAY! As every day, we have another opportunity to do better, to be better, to love deeper, to lead stronger and to make a positive impact in every aspect of our day and our personal reckoning.

EVERY day we have another chance to get it right, to fix what is holding us back and stifling what brings growth and maturity into our souls. In fact, each moment in time we have the power within us to change the narrative, the. situation, the regret, to make amends, and reframe our entire outlook by simply letting go of the baggage that we hold on to so tightly.

Maybe instead of the laundry list of “New Year Resolutions” we all get caught up in, we make a simple change…Resolve to be better and let go of what we cannot change…in every moment!

We all have that ability, no matter our circumstance in life. Imagine the warm glow of light when only the inner beauty of the populace is on display? How about THAT being our goal? Commit to putting our collective “best foot forward” every day, all the time…just like breathing in and out…simple change for a New Year and a New Day.

Happy New Year Wayne County and Let Your Light Shine!

Mary Wroblewski

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