Celebrate 2025! By Mary Wroblewski
There is much to celebrate as we ring in 2025.
A new year, untainted and fresh, a new dawn and a new day, and the upcoming inauguration of the 47th president of these United States, on January 20th. The people have spoken and have voted to restore common sense and rule of law back to the White House. There is much hope for the future of our country and our citizens, and the opportunity to correct the path that has led us to where we stand now.
THIS, is the time for the good citizens of our country to unite as never before to support our 47th president to restore our country to the tenants of societal norms identified by our founding fathers. THIS, is the time to organize and campaign to find solutions and actually “BE THE CHANGE” we want to see in our communities. Let your voice be heard when you see a problem and a solution that just might resolve it. Solutions are generally not as complex or as expensive as one might think…but it likely will take a little time and effort on all of our parts…everyone giving a little bit of themselves to turn the tide of complacency, lethargy, division, and ungodliness that has plagued our country for far too long.
In the words of President John F. Kennedy, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”. In my opinion, THIS, is what President Kennedy meant by community organizing, a coming together, working together, brainstorming together to create solutions for the common good where everyone plays a role in shaping our country for the good of all its citizens…high tide lifts all ships, if you will.
Please join me in praying for our 47th president of these United States, to guide his every decision for the good of the country, protection of our constitution, and safety of our citizens. Pray also for a greater faith in God for all of us, and the protection of the church and the family. Happy New Year Wayne County and may God Bless America!
