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WCPS Announces Schedule of Operations for Next Week

Goldsboro, N.C. - On Friday, October 6, Wayne County Public Schools (WCPS) dismissed two (2) hours early in preparation of Hurricane Matthew. Since then, schools have been closed both as a result of Saturday’s widespread storm damage across the county and dangerous river flooding that soon followed.

WCPS has approximately 18,500 students and 3,000 employees across 32 schools that have been impacted by the closure. The following is a message from Dr. Michael Dunsmore, WCPS Superintendent, regarding the schedule of operations next week:

"Our county has been severely impacted by Hurricane Matthew and this week’s historical river flooding. While I am happy to report that all of our schools and campuses are OK, our hearts go out to those students, families, and staff members who have been displaced from their homes.

Our district has been working closely with Wayne County Emergency Management and the Emergency Operations Center throughout this crisis. Based on the most current information we have been provided, our district will be able to operate on the following schedule next week:

At this time, we are planning to be CLOSED for students and staff on Monday, October 17. We plan to have Optional Teacher Workdays, Tuesday, October 18, and Wednesday, October 19, for those employees who can report to work. We are tentatively planning to bring students back Thursday, October 20, Friday, October 21, and Saturday October 22. The Saturday school will be an early dismissal day. All of these plans are subject to change based on changing conditions this week and next.

This is a very trying time for our school district and our community. Please continue keeping those impacted by this historical flooding event in your thoughts and prayers during this time of response and recovery."

On Thursday, October 20, WCPS plans to have school crisis teams in place to support those students or staff members who have been impacted by Hurricane Matthew.

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