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Pickle Drop in Mount Olive!

New Year’s Eve Pickle to drop into 2015

Get there early – the whole thing’s over at 7:05!

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MOUNT OLIVE, NC—Mark your calendars: Mt. Olive Pickle Company, Inc. will hold the 16th annual New Year's Eve Pickle Drop Wednesday, December 31, 2014 at the Corner of Cucumber & Vine in Mount Olive.

The New Year’s Eve Pickle descends down the flagpole at the stroke of 7 p.m. midnight – that’s 7 o’clock EST, which also happens to be midnight Greenwich Mean Time. (That way, we are official, we shout Happy New Year! - and we don’t have to stay up until midnight.)

“This has turned into a great event for families and children, as well as older adults,” said Lynn Williams, company spokesperson. “It’s early, it’s quick, and it’s just fun.”

In the last several years thousands have turned out to watch the lighted, three-foot pickle drop down the company’s 45-foot flagpole and into a perfectly preserved redwood pickle tank at precisely 7 o’clock.

Video screens mark the countdown of the year’s final hour, from 6-7 p.m., while the Harmony Boys perform from 6-6:50 p.m. Free refreshments – hot chocolate, cookies and pickles, are also served.

Another part of the Pickle Drop tradition is the canned food drive for the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina. Those bringing canned food or who make financial contributions receive a chance to win door prizes at the evening’s end. The grand prize is a pool pickle similar to the one that is dropped.

The company’s gift shop is also open until 7 p.m.

For those who can’t make it in person, watch it live on the web at

For more information, contact Lynn Williams at 919.581.3628 or by email at

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