We Need Jesus Now More Than Ever! By Mary Wroblewski
The month of November is a month of extreme gratitude for ALL of the simple blessings, rights and privileges, we are afforded as citizens...

November's Speak Your Mind!
Speak Your Mind! We have started a new feature on our Buzz Facebook page. From Goldsboro to Mt Olive, to Pikeville to LaGrange, to...

Students Compete in Wayne County Fair High School Math Competition
GOLDSBORO, N.C. – Several students took part in the annual Wayne County Fair High School Math Competition sponsored by the Wayne...

DITR's Lucas
LucasBreed: American Bulldog Mix Through NO FAULT of his own, this big and beautiful goofball needs a new home. Lucas has a very sweet...

The Mayor’s Committee for Persons with Disabilities (MCPD) held its Annual Awards Ceremony
The Mayor’s Committee for Persons with Disabilities (MCPD) held its Annual Awards Ceremony on Thursday, Oct. 17, at the Goldsboro Event...